FLY SUN. One Stop to the World

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Our Mission

To improve commercial air service for the Wood River Valley to benefit the community.


Fly Sun Valley Alliance (FSVA) is an Idaho non-profit 501c(6) corporation.  The volunteer board of directors includes private sector business members and public sector representatives from Friedman Memorial Airport, Hailey, Ketchum, Sun Valley and Blaine County. 


Fly Sun Valley Alliance (FSVA) works with the Friedman Memorial Airport (SUN), area governments, private businesses, community groups, tourism and economic development organizations and other partners to determine strategic priorities for SUN air service. Our key focus areas are air service development/MRG contracts, research, partnership programs and community outreach.


The air service development work of Fly Sun Valley Alliance (FSVA) is funded through investment partnerships with both public and private sector entities. Public sector investment is provided through annual contracts with Sun Valley Air Service Board through .5% Local Option sales tax revenues (known as LOT for AIR).  Significant private sector investment is provided by Sun Valley Resort with additional support provided by other local businesses through FSVA and Sun Valley Resort partner programs such as Air Support Business Ski Passes, Ski for Air Service Day, and Realtors for Air.

  • Provided improved air service options and convenience for SUN travelers with more flights to more destinations – from 3 to 6 nonstop routes, and more year-round service
  • Attracted new airline to serve SUN – United Airlines
  • Attracted next generation E175 regional jet service to SUN
  • Secured new nonstop flights from Denver (DEN), San Francisco (SFO) and Chicago (ORD)
  • Extended service to Denver (DEN) and Seattle (SEA) from seasonal to year-round
  • Extended service to Los Angeles (LAX) and San Francisco (SFO) into fall
  • Supported year-round daily service to Salt Lake City (SLC)
  • Supported winter diversion busing for SUN passengers until reliability was improved
  • Supported improved winter flight reliability through new airport approach technology – now 97% SUN winter flight completion rate, up from 73% in 2019
  • Negotiate MRG contracts for service with airlines* – monitor, evaluate, track bookings, fares, P&L. (Note: Sun Valley Resort contributes 50% of Air Service MRG Contract costs.)

  • Support coordination of start-up for new flights (i.e., SFO, DEN, ORD)

  • Coordinate marketing of the air service with partners via promotions, fare sales, and campaigns. (Partners include Sun Valley Resort, Visit Sun Valley, local lodging properties and businesses, Idaho Tourism, and airlines)

  • Work with airlines and partners to improve customer service/experience

  • Research and pursue expanded air service opportunities

  • Support Friedman Memorial Airport efforts to improve infrastructure, operations, service

  • Keep abreast of air service/industry trends nationally and within Sun Valley’s competitive set

  • Maintain strong relationships with key industry contacts: airlines, consultants, state and local officials, other air service program directors.

  • *Background on MRG Airline Contracts: Many airlines require a ‘contract for service’ to provide flights to smaller markets like SUN. These contracts typically include a financial risk-mitigation component, usually in the form of a Minimum Revenue Guarantee (MRG), to ensure the airline does not have significant loss on the route. Airline contracts, which have confidentiality clauses for competitive reasons, are managed by Fly Sun Valley Alliance and have been a key reason that SUN has been successful in providing the community with more nonstop flight options from more cities over the past decade.
  • Develop and implement Air Passenger Surveys at SUN to determine travel trends, economic impact, other relevant data for use in decision making

  • Monitor other air service data within our competitive set

  • Monitor monthly SUN commercial air service statistics

  • Work with Friedman Memorial Airport on passenger leakage reduction, fare monitoring, etc

  • Manage the AIR SUPPORT BUSINESS SKI PASS program and SKI FOR AIR SERVICE DAY, in partnership with Sun Valley Resort

  • Manage the REALTORS FOR AIR program, in partnership with Sun Valley Board of Realtors and Sun Valley Resort

  • Provide public information and outreach on SUN air service and FSVA’s air service development programs and progress.

  • Coordinate communications efforts with Friedman Memorial Airport on key air service issues.

Air Service Development

  • Negotiate MRG contracts for service with airlines* – monitor, evaluate, track bookings, fares, P&L. (Note: Sun Valley Resort contributes 50% of Air Service MRG Contract costs.)

  • Support coordination of start-up for new flights (i.e., SFO, DEN, ORD)

  • Coordinate marketing of the air service with partners via promotions, fare sales, and campaigns. (Partners include Sun Valley Resort, Visit Sun Valley, local lodging properties and businesses, Idaho Tourism, and airlines)

  • Work with airlines and partners to improve customer service/experience

  • Research and pursue expanded air service opportunities

  • Support Friedman Memorial Airport efforts to improve infrastructure, operations, service

  • Keep abreast of air service/industry trends nationally and within Sun Valley’s competitive set

  • Maintain strong relationships with key industry contacts: airlines, consultants, state and local officials, other air service program directors.

  • *Background on MRG Airline Contracts: Many airlines require a ‘contract for service’ to provide flights to smaller markets like SUN. These contracts typically include a financial risk-mitigation component, usually in the form of a Minimum Revenue Guarantee (MRG), to ensure the airline does not have significant loss on the route. Airline contracts, which have confidentiality clauses for competitive reasons, are managed by Fly Sun Valley Alliance and have been a key reason that SUN has been successful in providing the community with more nonstop flight options from more cities over the past decade.


  • Provided improved air service options and convenience for SUN travelers with more flights to more destinations – from 3 to 6 nonstop routes, and more year-round service
  • Attracted new airline to serve SUN – United Airlines
  • Attracted next generation E175 regional jet service to SUN
  • Secured new nonstop flights from Denver (DEN), San Francisco (SFO) and Chicago (ORD)
  • Extended service to Denver (DEN) and Seattle (SEA) from seasonal to year-round
  • Extended service to Los Angeles (LAX) and San Francisco (SFO) into fall
  • Supported year-round daily service to Salt Lake City (SLC)
  • Supported winter diversion busing for SUN passengers until reliability was improved
  • Supported improved winter flight reliability through new airport approach technology – now 97% SUN winter flight completion rate, up from 73% in 2019


  • Develop and implement Air Passenger Surveys at SUN to determine travel trends, economic impact, other relevant data for use in decision making

  • Monitor other air service data within our competitive set

  • Monitor monthly SUN commercial air service statistics

  • Work with Friedman Memorial Airport on passenger leakage reduction, fare monitoring, etc

Partnership Programs

  • Manage the AIR SUPPORT BUSINESS SKI PASS program and SKI FOR AIR SERVICE DAY, in partnership with Sun Valley Resort

  • Manage the REALTORS FOR AIR program, in partnership with Sun Valley Board of Realtors and Sun Valley Resort

Community Outreach/Education

  • Provide public information and outreach on SUN air service and FSVA’s air service development programs and progress.

  • Coordinate communications efforts with Friedman Memorial Airport on key air service issues.

Strategic Plan

Budget Presentations - Financial Reports

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Dave Madaras

Dave Madaras is currently managing the CargoGlide category at Decked. Prior to Decked, he was COO of FuelerLinx, business aviation’s leading fuel management software. In that role, Dave interfaced with many of the aviation industries largest software providers, aircraft operators, FBOs and airports.  Prior to his time in the aviation industry, Dave spent 10 years working as a derivatives trader at Barclays Capital and Citibank in New York and London. Dave graduated from the University of Virginia in 2006 with a BS in Systems and Information Engineering.  He served as a consultant to the Sun Valley Air Service Board in 2018/19. He moved his family to Ketchum in 2015 and loves the work-life balance the Wood River Valley provides.  Dave believes the mission of FSVA is critical to the continued success of the Wood River Valley.